Hairdressing, Beauty and Skin Penetration

Hairdressing, Beauty and Skin Penetration

Audit Details
Name of the owner
Staff name
Your Phone number
Your Email Id
Mode of Inquiry
Please mark the services undertaken at the salon
Cleanliness and Maintenance
Were the premises clean and hygienic?
Was a hand wash basin allocated with a facility of warm water running through a common tap?
Was a separate sink allocated for cleaning the equipment?
Were the floors and walls smooth, durable and water resistant?
Was the construction of the premises in a good condition?
Did the premises have a proper ventilation facility?
Were the shelves, fittings, fixtures and furniture smooth, durable and water resistant?
Was the equipment clean and stored in a neat and dry area?
Was the unexpired Hospital Grade disinfectant used to clean the equipment's?
Did the staff use clean linen, garments and towels for each client?
Were the soiled and clean equipment kept separately?
Was the cleaning equipment neat and well maintained?
Were the chemicals store in a cool, dry and well ventilated area?
Were the bins provided to dispose off waste?
Were the bins provided to dispose off sharp items?
Were the soaps and disposable towels placed near the hand wash basin area?
Did the staff wash his hands while attending any client or if there's any interruption during the service?
Did you observe any staff eating or drinking while attending the clients?
Did you observe any pests or rodents in the service area?
Did you observe anyone smoking in public access areas?
Did the staff use a clean waterproof dressing to cover the cuts?
Was the staff dressed in clean clothing throughout the visit?
Did the staff wore any kind personal protective clothing, if required?
Did the staff clean the equipment with the detergent and warm water before use?
Skin Penetration Treatment
Did the staff use a strong/dry heated sterilizer to sterilizer re-usable equipment?
Were the articles used to penetrate the skin sterilized before use?
Were the articles used to penetrate the skin sterilized before re-use and disposed off immediately?
Were the single use disposable items disposed off after each use?
Did the staff wear new sterile gloves before contacting the sterilized items?
Did the staff keep any record of the process and timeline of each sterilization?
Were the Ear piercing guns used for only piercing ears?
Did the staff apply an approved skin antiseptic on the skin?
Did the staff wear the disposable gloves and were these gloves disposed off immediately after use?
Was the wax disposed off immediately after the service?
Were the single use spatulas used more than once and redipped
Were the re-usable equipment cleaned properly after each use?

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