Briklayer Quality Assurance Check

A bricklaying assurane check is often conducted by a site supervisor covers a thorough check of brick soaking, mortar mix propertions, laps and vertical joints. It observes that all steps are performed as per standard operating guidelines.

Is the brick quality as specified?
Is the morter color correct?
Is joint profile correct?
Is joint sizing consistent?
Do perps look in good condition?
Are bricks well blended?
Is there damage to wrap paper?
Are the cavities clean?
Are bricks laid straight?
Are sills at a right angle?
Are plans for non-standard items checked?
Are lintels supported by side bricks?
Are pallets stacked?
Are brick ties spaced correctly?
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Is the cavity blocked at the bottom?
Are all vents clear and obstruction-free?
Do you have a name and LBP number with the bricklayer's name?
Is the site left in the correct manner?
Are bins in place?
Is G J signed?
Is the site left clean and tidy?
Are all waste and rubbish in bins?
Signature of site supervisor
Name of site supervisor

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