Ambulance Daily Inspection Checklist

Ambulance Condition
Is the vehicle's exterior clean and well maintained?
Is the truck's interior well maintained?
Is the patient's compartment clean and hygienic?
Attach the image of the damaged area if any.
Did you notice any Protocol book on the unit?
Which of the following systems were functional?
Elaborate on the negatives if any.
Equipment Check
Is the stretcher in working condition?
Did you find any shoulder straps in the stretcher?
Is charged oxygen cylinder present in the airway bag?
Was spare batteries available in heart monitor?
Attach the image of the Monitor passed user test if any.
Is the Response bag well maintained and stocked with latest items?
Please mark which of the following was available.
If marked "no" in any Stretcher/Response bags/Monitor section elaborate it.
Fuel check
What is the fuel level at checkout? (Indicate the closest amount)
Is the engine oil levels perfect?
Is the windshield wiper fluid levels perfect?
Did you notice any fluids leakage?
Patient Area check
Were the linens in good condition?
Please mark which of the following was present and in working condition?

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