water efficiency program checklist

It is vital to assess the water efficiency program at a manufacturing site. This is because water is essential for almost all the works carried out at the site. Regular check is required for its good minimal yet efficient use.

Water efficiency program
The water leakage problem is instantly addressed by the site?
Is there a regular program that is assigned the job of surveying the water leak problems?
Does the site’s facility have a program that measures and also understands the use of water?
Is the design of pump seals minimal and optimized by the site’s facility?
Is the use of bottle warmers and pasteurizer optimized by the site’s facility?
Is the water treatment followed by the site’s facility?
Are the cleaning and sanitation processes properly followed by the site’s facility?
Is the line lubrication properly designed by the site?
Has the cooling tower and its water use been efficiently planned and executed by the site?
Water hoses are planned by the site as per the guidelines?

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