comprehensive risk assessment

A close out is the final phase and one of the most important ones in a construction project. The close out occurs when teh construction complete but before the site is handed over to the client. Close out means getting the site ready for client handover and includes ensuring that teh work is completed as per contractual obligations. The process involves cleaning the site thoroughly, returning equipments, removing temporary structures and disposing off entire waste. It also includes trasferring all the documents to the owner.

Expected Risk
When is the risk most likely to occur?
Is the risk likely to have a negative impact on deliverables?
Factors likely to be affected by the risk
what is the possible end result?
potential risk
When is the risk most likely to occur?
Is the risk likely to have a negative impact on deliverables?
Factors likely to be affected by the risk
what is the possible end result?
Symptoms or signs of risk to watch out for?
Steps to control the risk
Resources involved
People involved
General contingency plans
Will there be any trainings for general contingency plans for workers?
Is there a system or process to report risk?
How do you encourage employees for risk reporting?
Scope of improvement
what made the process effective
what did not work?
Suggestions :
Risk mitigation
Rate your overall risk monitoring process?
what did not work?
what made the process effective
Suggestions :
Risk monitoring
Rate your overall risk monitoring process?
what made the process effective
what did not work?
Suggestions :

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