Warehouse health and safety checklist

Audit verification
Inspected By
Disaster Management
Was the Emergency plan current and reflected the actual practice?
Were the appointed Chief wardens, floor wardens, first aides current staff members?
Was the displayed site map marked with the assembling areas?
Were the Trial evacuations completed every 6 months?
Please confirm the Evacuation Trial date
Were minutes from the review of the evacuation effectiveness including attendance by staff / staff reps available?
Were the Emergency procedures notice properly displayed?
Hazard Details
Was an updated Hazard register available at the time of your visit?
Did you notice hazard Identification being performed and were corrective actions being timely implemented?
Were significant Hazards identified and assessed?
Were the staff members properly trained to perform hazard identification, assessing significance and developing controls?
Did you notice if a proper schedule was in place to monitor significant hazards?
Did you notice if Hazard identification and controls were performed on any new plant, process or materials?
Were all the necessary signages legible, properly erected and placed appropriately?
Did you notice if the procedures to induct or escort visitors were in place?
Was a register being used to keep a track of visitors on site?
Health and Safety Details
Was Health & Safety Manual is available?
Was the Health & Safety Policy displayed properly?
information of Contractors
Did you notice if contractor health and safety performance was being monitored?
Information of Contractors
Were the current contract inductions available?
Was there availability contractor selection and review, including a health and safety performance assessment?
Was there availability of Contracts including health and safety expectations and responsibilities?
Involvement of Employees
Were Health and Safety committee members properly appointment?
Were Health and safety committee meetings regularly being scheduled and being held?
Were the minutes of the meeting taken and easily available?
Overall Check
Please confirm the areas being inspected
Was the floor in safe condition?
Were all the areas clean and tidy?
Was the lighting adequate and in working condition?
Were the doors and windows being properly opened, closed and locked?
Were the power points and cords in safe condition?
Was the area being inspected free of pests?
Were the toilets clean and in working condition?
Were the Taps, basins, sinks and showers clean and in working condition?
Was soap and paper/air towels available?
Did you notice any Hazards in this area?
Can you please elaborate on the same
Were the Fire hoses and extinguishers certified?
Were the signages of the the Fire hose and extinguisher clean and obvious?
Were the Fire exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
Was the spill kit easily accessible and appropriately stocked?
Were the product neatly stacked?
Was the first aid kit available, easily accessible and appropriately stocked?
Was the Workstation ergonomics adequate?
Was the air conditioning working properly, if installed?
List additional observations and comments
Planning, Evaluation and Review
Were the current year's objectives defined?
Was the Branch site safety and health plan available at the time of your visit?
Were the objectives of the previous financial year reviewed?
Safety Measures
Were all the incidents being reported?
Were all the investigations timely completed?
Were the corrective actions timely and properly implemented?
Were the actions taken fed back into the hazard register?
Were any First Aid personnel appointed?
Did the First aid personnel have current certificates
Were the first aid kits available and appropriately stocked?
Training Details
Were the new employees properly inducted?
Please confirm if the employee records of any 3 new joinees was properly managed?
Was the training plan available and properly implemented?
Were the training records properly maintained?
Did you find any evidence to confirm if the task specific training had been conducted?
Did you notice if the minutes from the health and safety committee were displayed?
Was General health and safety information properly displayed?
Was the Health and safety library stocked with the necessary material?

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