Vehicle or plant pre start inspection

The vehicle at the plant area is a vital part of the complete mechanism. Such complex systems need an efficient management system in order to get better results.

After starting
Gauges and lamps in good condition?
Front, rear, stop, indicator, etc. lights working efficiently?
Horn and reverse alarm working?
Throttle operation okay?
Controls for operations working properly?
Brakes in good condition?
Steering and suspension working efficiently?
Before starting
Hour meter reading checked?
Kilometer reading checked?
Fuel usage checked?
Operator’s manual read pass?
Oil level pass?
Water level pass?
Air level pass?
Damage to machine or guard pass?
Tyres and their pressure is fine?
Warning and safety signals evident?
Wear surfaces in good condition?
Safety pins properly installed?
The area eligible to operate a plant?
The areas above lifting and swinging are clear for the tasks?
Steps and handrails in good condition?
Cabin desks are organized?
Sufficient fire extinguishers?
Fire extinguisher in effective condition?
Windows and mirrors are crystal clear?
Wipers in good working condition?
Is the plant safe enough to start?

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