Transport & Logistics Site Audit

Company details
Please specify the number of staff members
What does the company specializes in?
Since when is the company operating?
What do you believe is your competitive advantage?
Do you see any improvements in your business, to become more competitive?
what are the primary goals of your business over the next 24 months?
What obstacles would you face to achieve the goals?
Distribution/Transport Department
Which of the following are inspected in distribution/transport department?
Which of the following are inspected in distribution/transport department?
Which of the following are inspected in distribution/transport department?
Does the Transport department has a proper staff retention program?
Does the Transport department has a proper working culture and ownership?
Sales and service Department
Does the sales department has proper communication?
Does the sales department has proper customer services (internal/external)?
Which of the following are inspected in Sales department?
Which of the following are inspected and implemented in Sales department?
Does the sales department has a proper staff retention program and culture?
Does the Sales department has a proper KPI system and sales reporting?
Does the Sales department has a territory and time management?
Which of the following are inspected in the sales department?
Is the professional development, work culture and initiatives checked in sales department?
Warehouse Checks
Please select which of the following are inspected in your warehouse?
Is there any damaged stock in your warehouse?
Please select which of the following are inspected in your warehouse?
Are employees aware and follow S.O.P?
Do employees have basic computer knowledge?
Is there proper security, efficiency and communication system?
Is there a proper customer service? (internal/external)
Does the warehouse department has a proper staff retention program?
Does the warehouse department has a proper working culture and ownership?

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