Social Distancing plan checklist

Audit verification
Contact person
Contact Number
Measures taken
Is there signs of directing customers to follow the markings to maintain distance placed?
Was there seperate counter of delivery and order?
Mention other measures if taken.
Was work from home option available if required?
Was non-essential business travel option available?
Is instructions being given if any staff is not well?
Were symptom checking done at the entrance ?
Were the desks or individual work stations placed six feet apart?
Were regular teleworking done at the instituition?
Was the increased levels plan done incase of staff absences?
Was the copies of this plan sent to employees?
Sanitation Check
Was there any hand sanitizer, soap and water, or effective disinfectant available?
Were all high-contact surfaces disinfected?
Mention other measures if taken.
Signages and Posters check
Was signages of "avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum 6-feet distance from one another; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact" present at the entrance?
Was poster of Social Distancing Protocol present at the entrance?
Was hand wash poster available?
Is digital posters sent via email?

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