Retail Stores Threat Identification Checklist

Is the interior of the elevator damage free (walls, ceiling, and handrails)?
Is the ventilation appropriate?
Does the door restrictor operate properly?
Does the door slam or bounce?
Are all switches in good repair and functional?
Are indicator lights in working condition and positioned properly?
Are emergency signals operational?
Are burned out lights replaced?
Are the levelling, acceleration, and deceleration appropriate?
Are frames and stiles in good shape?
Machine Room
Is the oil level appropriate?
Are electrical components overheated or damaged?
Are there any leaks, unusual vibration, or wear?
Are there any items unrelated to the elevator?
Are components properly lubricated for smooth functioning?
Are necessary repairs made?
Inspector's Name/Signature:
Inspection Date:
Are door panels clear of obstructions?
Are outside lights, displays and switches functional?
Does the elevator carry optimum capacity (not overloaded)?
Is the pit clean and free of leaks?
Are components, including rollers, guide rails, safeties, and switches in good condition?
Is travel cable free of wear, pinches, and snags?
Are spring buffers free of corrosion and securely aligned?
Are the sump pumps clean and operating correctly?
Are stop switches, lights, and GFI operational?
Are travelling cables, ropes, and connections in good condition?
Is there any dust or clutter on top of the car?
Does the door operate properly?
Is the stop switch working properly?
Are rollers, guide rails, and levelling devices in good condition?
Are there any rodents, fire safety/smoke control issues and vandalism?
Is the top emergency exit easily accessible?

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