Hotel Checklist

Audit verification
Overall comments on inspection
Inspector's name
Inspector's signature
Corridor checks
Are the passages/hallways clean and obstruction free?
Is the ambiance pleasant/comfortable?
Is the pathway of Fire exit unobstructed?
Is the service/baggage lift clean and in working condition?
Entrance cleanliness and safety
Is the in/out gate, main porch clean and dirt free?
Is the hotel entrance clean and maintained well?
Is the signage clean?
Are lights working properly?
Is the lobby entrance clean and dirt free?
Are cctv cameras working properly?
In house restaurant checks
Is the entrance clean and obstruction free?
Are the glass doors and windows clean?
Are floors, hallways, ceilings clean and damage free?
Are chairs and tables well laid-out?
Are utensils clean and without any bad odour?
Are public toilets clean, well-maintained and sanitized (restaurant)?
Are tissues and hand papers in place?
Are food items tagged properly?
Is the food restoration done at regular intervals?
Kitchen staff and facilities
Is the kitchen area and items clean?
Is the staff well groomed and dressed in proper uniform?
Parking area cleanliness
Are cars parked properly and in line with the parking rules?
Did you find any clutter/trash?
Are all trash bins at their respective places?
Is the garbage segregated and then collected?
Provisions to staff
Are the restrooms clean and odour free?
Are there sufficient lockers?
Are employee time logs/biometrics working properly?
Spa facilities
Is the spa ambiance comfortable and appealing?
Do the spa rooms have good smell?
Are the spa facilities clean and sanitized?
Staff training and appearance
Is security on duty well trained and knowledgeable?
Are employees well-groomed and dressed?
Do employees follow proper hygiene standards?
Did you see employees wearing a name tag?
Incase of emergency, are employees well-trained?
Are employees well-trained on rules and regulations?
Swimming pool cleanliness and amenities
Is the glassdoor to pool clear of any smudges?
Do swimming pools have clean water?
Are pool decks clean and well maintained?
Are towels available at the poolside?
Are public toilets clean, well-maintained and sanitized (swimming area)?
Are tissues and hand papers in place?
Are public showers clean and sanitized regularly?
Are public showers' toiletries available to the guests?
Visitor's lift
Is the floor of the lift clean?
Are the glasses/mirror clean and smudge free?
Visitors room inspection
Are doors working properly?
Are light switches clean and working properly?
Are window glasses dirt and damage free?
Are window drapes laid out straight?
Are air conditioning/heat controls working properly?
Is the air conditioning filter clean and noise free?
Are lampshades clean and placed straight?
Are beds made properly?
Did you find even pillows with proper stuffing?
Are bedspreads aligned straightly?
Is the mattress firm and damage free?
Are bedspreads free of rips and stains?
Is the upholstery clean and maintained properly?
Is the furniture free from scratches, stains and cracks?
Are walls clean and free of cob/spider webs?
Did you find any scratches and nicks on walls?
Are luggage racks well maintained?
Are pictures, frames, and mirrors aligned straight?
Is the telephone in working condition?
Are the ashtrays clean and without any damage?
Does the furniture drawers slide out easily?
Waiting area checks
Are glass doors and windows clean and smudge free?
Are public toilets clean, odour free and sanitized regularly?
In public toilets, are tissues and hand papers in place?
Is the reception counter clean and well maintained?
Is the signage well maintained and clearly visible?

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