Construction Inspection Audit Report

A construction inspection means an inspection of the construction process to ensure that processes and materials adhere to the proposed plan and specifications. These inspections are conducted by visiting the site and observing working processes, safety standards, and the overall condition of the worksite. This audit can be performed by project managers or independent auditors. 

Project name
Is there a contractor or in house crew?
Project start date
Project end date
Scope of work
Is there a trench?
Before construction pictures
After construction pictures
During construction pictures
Pictures of facility
Is there any hand hole installation?
Before construction pictures
During construction pictures
After construction pictures
Is there fibre installation?
Before construction pictures
After construction pictures
Dig ticket pictures
Reference number
Pictures of located utilities
Additional pictures
Additional comments
Special remarks
Are any actions needed from the client
Details of actions neeed
Fiber footage
Conduit footage
Fiber reel
Fiber count
Pictures of fiber reel
Hand hole details
Details of tracer wire
Nema details
Strand details
Information of miscellaneous inventory
Misc. Pictures

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