Cash Vehicle Checklist

Audit verification
Audit inspected by
Audit Date
Crew Members
Were the crew members in proper uniform?
Did he wear his bullet proof?
Were the crew members attentive and familiar with the area?
Did he follow the procedure properly?
Was the firearm permit proper and available?
Was the ID card in good condition and valid if any?
Observation Regarding 3rd Man
Was the 3rd Man well dressed in uniform?
Did you notice the 3rd Man before the crew left the AV?
Was the 3rd Man well armed with bullet proof vest?
Did you notice the 3rd Man in a defensive position?
Did the 3rd Man follow the procedure correctly?
Vehicle Condition
Did you notice the vehicle in a clean and well maintained condition?
Was the vehicle parked in a defensive position?
Were the vehicle gun ports closed?
Was the aircon of the vehicle functional?
Was the lock out device of the vehicle working properly?
Was the VMS/VTD in working condition?
Was the camera/intercom functional?
Did you notice any cash in crew compartment?
Were the cashes kept in the safes and were the safes in good condition?

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