Beauty Salon and Skin Penetration Premises

Beauty Salon and Skin Penetration Premises

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Were the equipment cleaned and dried after each usage?
Did the staff use Hospital Grade Disinfectant?
Were the foot spas cleaned and disinfected?
Were the room components removed cleaned and replaced?
Equipment Hygiene
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Were the equipment working properly?
Were the equipment kept in a clean and dry place?
Were the clean linen provided to you?
Were the clean and dirty linen stored separately?
Were the equipment used to penetrate the skin sanitized properly?
Was the sanitized packaging opened in front of you?
Were the tattoo spray bottles sanitized?
Was the sanitizer applied on the electrical equipment before each use?
Did the salon have proper amount of sanitized disposable needles?
Did the staff re-use disposable items such as needles, razors, etc?
General hygiene
Were the records of the clients maintained?
Was safe distancing followed to access clients?
Did the staff wash his hands before and after conducting the service?
Did the staff wear clean apron while conducting the service procedure?
Did the staff wear disposable gloves?
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Were the salon interiors neat and clean?
Were the salon interiors well arranged and organized?
Did the salon have proper facilities of washing, drainage, ventilation and lighting?
Were the floors, shelves and furniture well maintained?
Were the furniture and shelves smooth, durable, water resistant and could be cleaned easily?
Was the hand wash basin available?
Was a hand wash basin allocated with a facility of warm water running through a common tap?
Were the hand wash basin smooth, durable, water resistant and could be cleaned easily?
Was the liquid soap available?
Was the hand sanitizer available in each service room?
Were the hand dryers or towels available in the service room?
Was a separate sink allocated for cleaning the equipment?
Did the sink have the supply of clean and warm water?
Sanitization of Equipment
Were all the reusable equipment cleaned and sanitized?
Were all the equipment sanitized properly?
Were the staff members to sanitized the equipment?
Tattooing Service
Was the tattoo ink poured into a disposable container?
Did the staff use disposable needles?
Was the container disposed off post usage?
Was the applicator disposed off post usage?
Were the seats protected with a proper disposable covering?
Did the staff give any after care tips?
Visit Details
Name of the salon location
Complete address of the salon
Name of the salon owner/manager
Staff Interacted with
Type of Inspection
Date of Audit
Did the staff confirm your appointment details?
Did the staff provide you an invoice?
Waste Disposal
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Were the dustbins available?
Was a proper container provided to keep sharp objects?
Were the sharp equipment such as needles or razors disposed off into a designated sharp container?
Were the disposable items properly disposed off after usage?
Waxing Service
Did the staff apply any antiseptic before starting the service?
Was the spatula disposed off post usage?
Was the wax disposed off post usage?
Was the roll wax or applicator disposed off post usage?

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